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Dentures – Kingwood, TX

Custom Prosthetics to Renew Your Smile

For millions of Americans, tooth loss means damage to their self-esteem along with the negative dental health effects that occur daily. Besides feeling embarrassed about your appearance, significant tooth loss can increase your risk of additional missing teeth, decay, infection, and decreased jawbone density. Thankfully, we can restore your quality of life and confidence with partials and dentures in Kingwood. We have the solutions you need to bring back a complete smile to overcome the limitations of tooth loss.

Older woman looking at smile in mirror

Why Choose Kingwood Family Dentistry for Dentures & Partials?

Who is a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Older woman with dentures in Kingwood

If you’ve lost several or all your teeth, you might be a candidate for partials or dentures. Your dentist in Kingwood will evaluate your severity of tooth loss and dental health to create a personalized treatment plan to restore your smile. In some cases, you may need additional procedures to prepare your mouth for dentures, like periodontal therapy or tooth extractions. Most patients who have good oral and general health can benefit from dentures.

Types of Dentures

Four types of dentures

Every patient’s needs are unique. Depending on the number of teeth you’ve lost and your goals, you might be a candidate for:

Partial Dentures

Smile model with partial denture restoration

A partial denture consists of several teeth affixed to a gum-colored base that has a metal framework. This allows it to clip or clasp onto your remaining teeth to stay in place. Your new teeth will match the appearance of your real ones to blend in seamlessly when you smile.

Full Dentures

Hand holding a full denture

Dr. Mosby offers modern, natural-looking dentures to treat complete tooth loss in one or both arches. A comfortable and durable acrylic base is created to fit your mouth. The gum-colored arch will feature custom-made prosthetic teeth. It is held in place using suction or an adhesive. Although they have a bad reputation for looking fake, our office uses the latest advancements in dentistry to design dentures that closely mimic your real teeth.

Implant Dentures

Implant supported denture model

Implant dentures use titanium posts to replicate your tooth roots. They are surgically placed into your jawbone to hold your denture in place. You won’t need to worry about any slipping or irritation. Not to mention, you’ll enjoy a solution that can last for decades without worrying about soaking your denture or special cleaners.

The Benefits of Dentures

Woman with dentures holding an apple

If you’re ready to overcome the challenges of an incomplete smile, it’s time to discover the benefits of dentures for yourself. You’ll enjoy:

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

dentures with money in the teeth and dental instruments

Although you can’t put a price on a confident smile, we understand that dentures come at a cost and that you are likely concerned about it. Because each mouth requires unique care, and we refuse to give cookie-cutter service, it’s not possible to provide a general estimate for dentures for everyone. The only way to learn how much your dentures will cost is to have a consultation with us. After a complete examination, we can put together a treatment plan with an associated cost.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dentures

full and partial dentures

When calculating the pricing of dentures, we consider several things, including how many teeth are being replaced. Also, depending on the type of denture, as well as the materials used, dentures can vary in cost. If you require preliminary work, such as extraction or gum disease treatment, these types of procedures will increase your overall cost. If you’d like a more detailed breakdown of the cost, we will be happy to supply you with the transparent information you want.

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

close up of implant dentures

Most of the time, implant dentures do cost more than traditional dentures. But, as the saying goes, you get what you pay for! With normal dentures, you replace only the visible portion of your missing dentition, whereas implant dentures compensate for the entire tooth—including the root. These prosthetic tooth roots keep the jawbone stimulated and healthy, which prolongs the lifespan of the dentures on the surface. As a result, a patient who has implant dentures may spend more upfront, but they may not have to replace their dentures for multiple decades, saving them significant money in the long term.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

dental insurance form next to a keyboard

Overall, dental insurance plans do cover part of the cost of dentures. In fact, more often than not, the cost is cut in half because of insurance. When you come in for your appointment, we can check your policy’s coverage and let you know what it will contribute and how much you’ll be expected to pay out-of-pocket.

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

patients looking at a brochure

With or without dental insurance, the price of dentures may not be feasible to pay all at once. Or perhaps it just would be more financially comfortable to pay for them over time. CareCredit is a well-reputed national financing company that divides your out-of-pocket total into smaller monthly installments. We can help you in the application process and answer any questions you may have.

Schedule Your Consultation

Dr. Mosby uses advanced technology to take impressions of your mouth to carefully craft your dentures to match your smile. You’ll advantage from maximum comfort and aesthetics for greater stability and a beautiful smile you’ll want to show off. Contact our office today to schedule your consultation to renew your smile.

Denture FAQs

patient smiling after getting dentures in Kingwood

Tooth loss can affect more than just your appearance – it can negatively impact your overall quality of life. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with gaps in your smile forever. Getting dentures in Kingwood will allow you to enjoy a complete and fully functioning smile once again! Of course, it’s completely normal to have a few lingering questions in mind before committing to the process. For your convenience, our team at Kingwood Family Dentistry has decided to answer some frequently asked questions below. Should you not find the answers you’re looking for, feel free to reach out for personal assistance!

How Long Will You Have to Wait to Get Dentures After Your Teeth Are Pulled?

If you’re undergoing extractions, you’ll have to wait about six to eight weeks after your procedure to receive your dentures. While two months may sound like a long time, it’s necessary to give your gums sufficient healing time. It’s also worth noting that the exact amount of time you’ll need to wait after having your teeth pulled will vary depending on the type of denture you receive.

Immediate dentures can be placed on the same day as tooth extractions, but they will need to be replaced earlier than anticipated because the shape of your jawbone will change as you heal. If you’re getting implant dentures, you will need to wait about three to six months for the titanium posts to fuse with the surrounding bone tissue.

Can I Sleep with My Dentures?

Initially, you’ll be asked to wear your dentures for an entire 24 hours, including sleep. However, after that adjustment period you should be taking your prosthetics out every evening. Wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, potentially leading to soft tissue irritation and speeding up ridge resorption. By taking out your dentures regularly, you can give your gums a chance to recover and get the nutrients they need at night. In addition, sleeping with dentures has been found to be associated with a higher risk of pneumonia and poor oral hygiene.

Is It Hard to Talk with Dentures?

When you first get dentures in Kingwood, you may have difficulty speaking and pronouncing certain words. That’s mainly because you’re so used to speaking with natural teeth. Luckily, the more you practice, the faster you’ll adjust to your new prosthetics. You can speed up the process by reading aloud, repeating difficult-to-pronounce words, and having more conversations with loved ones. If needed, you can use denture adhesive for extra stability.

Will Dentures Change the Shape of My Face?

Missing teeth can cause your facial muscles to sag, giving your face a sunken appearance. By getting dentures in Kingwood, you’ll provide support to the facial muscles that have collapsed, improving your appearance. They’ll allow you to maintain a youthful appearance for years to come! Keep in mind that ill-fitting dentures may not give your facial muscles proper support, which is why you need to make sure each restoration fits perfectly in your mouth.

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